For God, For Country, For Home

For God, For Country, For Home
Signed in as:
To promote service to God, Country, and to fellow man through the understanding of Christian values, recognized by the Catholic Church; and to support local veterans, youth, and community organizations and strengthen our Catholic faith.
Our organization is dedicated to helping our local and regional veterans by providing a place they can call "their own." We provide veteran resources support and assistance to veterans in need. We support many other local community and youth organizations striving to make our local communities a better place for our veteran, our youth, and elderly. To see more on how we support our local community organizations, visit our COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENMT page. Join us in our mission to make a difference!
Become a part of our CWV community. You do not have to be a veteran to be part of our CWV community. We have many non-members, family and friends that participate in the activities and events at CWV. COMMING SOON, you will be able to sign up for our newsletter. If you wish to become a CWV Member, go to our MEMBERSHIP page. To participate in our events, visit our EVENTS page.
Please contact us at or call us at (618) 234-3074 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Our post is located approximately 6 mile South of Belleville. IL on Rt.159. Our address is:
535 South Route 159, Freeburg, IL. 62243.
CAtholic War Veterans are a non-profit Veterans Organization. CWV Post 370 members are dedicated to continuing the legacy of our Post; supporting the CWV National Charter; and committed to furthering our Catholic faith. We have a passion for serving our veteran brothers and sisters in our surrounding local communities. We continue to support local community youth, faith organization, clubs and other organizations that promote faith, patriotism, and good will. To read more on the origin and history of CWV Butz-Jobe Post 370, visit our Who We Are page.
Butz-Jobe Post 370 is open to the public, all are welcome. We offer a family environment to gather and share stories with fellow veteran, visitors, and guests. We have a bar and restaurant (RESTAURANT REOPENING IN LATE JAN. 2025) to share a beverage and enjoy a meal.
Visit our SERVICES page for more details
You can donate to Catholic War Veterans Butz-Jobe Post 370 by clicking on the 'Donate' button above or by sending a check to Catholic War Veterans Post 370 to 3535 South Rt. 159, Freeburg, Illinois 62243.
Copyright © 2024 Catholic War Veterans Butz-Jobe Post 370 - All Rights Reserved.